This short film is comprised of 36 clips taken by Kate Daudy and Kostya Novoselov, filmed and elaborated by Michael Hoffman, and edited by Lesley Posso.

A group of sheep were numbered from 1-36. The order in which the sheep randomly passed by, was the order in which the clips were numbered from 1 to 36. E.g. the first sheep to pass by was numbered 8 and so the first clip was numbered 8. This is how the film has been structured, using random numbering processing.

The Soprano Sarah Gabriel, musically inspired by the likes of Schoenberg, Webern, and much atonal music, created the soundtrack. This was done by recording three tone rows, each of which were then assigned a letter. Thus, the rough materials were assembled.

Kate and Michael then proceeded to verbalise numbers and letters, whilst Lesley Posso recorded and assembled the elements in a spirit of total chaos.

This is UNPACKING, a film about everything and about nothing.